Top 10 Podcasts for Product Managers in 2021

Alex Mitchell
9 min readFeb 7, 2021

For the past 4 years, I’ve written about my favorite Product podcasts and it’s already that magical time of year again! For a quick throwback, here are my past posts:

While I’m not commuting in-person these days to Kin Insurance, I’m still able to log about 1 hour of podcast listening time on my walks every day.

Here is this year’s list of my favorites for Product Managers looking to level up in 2021.

Note: There are a few duplicates from 2017–2020, but that’s because they are still great!

Top 10 Podcasts for Product Managers

Honorable Mention #1: Ted Talks Daily

Ted Talks Daily is your daily dose of inspiration and will help you think bigger as a Product Manager. While the content is (very often) much higher level than the day to day of a PM, that’s a good thing.

As you progress in your Product career and master the basics, you’ll start considering the role of your product and your company in the global economy.



Alex Mitchell

Product @Kinsured | 5x Product Leader/Founder | Syndicate: | Author: @producthandbook @disruptbook